The Holy Cross Blackfriars’ Advent Market takes place from 8.30am-2.00pm on Sunday 1st December. This is one of our major community and fund-raising efforts so we hope very much you will join us.
Please see the flyers and posters for details of what you can enjoy at the market.
Here are some of the important preparations with which we would appreciate your help:
Sunday November 10 – hand in your bottle bag with any soft or alcoholic bottled drink and collect your raffle tickets to buy or sell.
Sunday November 17 – please collect a ‘sponsorship’ envelope by which you can pledge financial support for the market; bring back your raffle ticket stubs and money.
Sunday November 24 – please bring in your sponsorship envelope and hand to any member of the community.
Saturday November 30 – from 3-6pm, setting up in Blackfriars’ Hall (the large hall in the centre, next door)
Donations of goods can be brought in at any time: good books/dvds; chocolate and sweets; toys and games (especially welcome); bric-a-brac; unwanted gifts; raffle prizes; cakes etc.
Donations for the cake stall can be be brought in at any time – fresh cakes from 3-6pm on Sat Nov 30 or by 8.30am on December 1st.
Thank you in advance for your support 🙂